What Motivates Jane? (a.k.a. The Telepathy Game)
Each day well-meaning managers across Corporate America play The Telepathy Game. In the absence of hard data on what motivates Jane — and with no ability to crawl inside her heart and mind to find out first-hand — a manager often defaults to ineffective and expensive guesswork. How can you find out what REALLY matters to Jane?
in 360 Feedback, Behavior Change, Catalyze Associates, Collaboration, Communication, Feedback, Kirstin Lynde, Leadership development, Leadership Tips, Managing Up, Motivation, People 101 Blog, Relationships tagged 360 feedback, behavior change, Candor, coaching, communication, Engagement, feedback, Kirstin Lynde, leadership, leadership development, leadership tips, listening skills, Managing up, motivation, performance, prioritization, relationship building, relationships, trust , Comments: 1