At the Intersection of Food, Influence, and Leadership
You need someone’s help. You may or may not be his boss. He’s known you for 6 minutes. He is very busy, and offering free food isn’t an option. Now what?
Want to be the boss everyone loves?
What if YOU were the leader people lined up to work for? With your “fabulous boss” reputation, you’d have your pick of the best applicants. They’d be skilled, motivated, and hard workers, creating strong results and generating only the rare managerial headache.
Do You Bring Enough of Yourself to Work?
Don’t airbrush vulnerability, emotions, eccentricities, a life history, and imperfections out of YOUR leadership style. Here’s why.
The Dark Side of Collaboration, And How to Fight Back
In many companies, employees spend 80% of their time in meetings or answering colleagues’ requests. How to fight back?
Radical Candor: Is it Ever OK to Use the Word “Stupid” When Giving Feedback?
Is it Ever OK to Use the Word “Stupid” When Giving Feedback? How to Get Away with Serious Levels of Candor.
“Thank-You” Magic: 5 Creative Tactics
Need some fast, easy, no-cost or low-cost tactics to boost morale, productivity, trust, and team relationships? My “top 5” favorite ways to supercharge an employee or group with appreciation.
Why Every Manager Needs Bad News
To maximize leadership success you MUST know not just the good – but also the bad and the ugly. If you don’t cultivate the art of collecting sentiments that can be hard to hear, you’ll pay a big price. So how do you get people to open up and share their frustrations or criticisms?