Have You Made a “To-Not-Do” List Lately?
Most of you reading this post have drawn up thousands of To-Do lists. Some scrawled by hand on the backs of tattered envelopes, others color-coded in the latest electronic to-do software. But how many of you have ever drawn up a “To-Not-Do” list?
At the Intersection of Food, Influence, and Leadership
You need someone’s help. You may or may not be his boss. He’s known you for 6 minutes. He is very busy, and offering free food isn’t an option. Now what?
The Dark Side of Collaboration, And How to Fight Back
In many companies, employees spend 80% of their time in meetings or answering colleagues’ requests. How to fight back?
3 Sneaky Excuses for Procrastination: Are You Guilty?
There are a few really legitimate-sounding excuses that executives like me hide behind when it comes to Getting Stuff Done. Here are the Big Three. Do any of them stand between you and and the important projects YOU need to tackle or finish?